
Search results

  1. Farm Science Review

    demonstration and education area for agriculture and natural resources management practices. The Gwynne is home ...

  2. Come to the Butler County Farm Day for Family Fun!

    pasture management practices. This event is FREE and open to the public. Families are encouraged to come ...

  3. Citizenship Washington Focus

    The golf outing will take place at the Weatherwax Golf Course in Middletown, Ohio.  All proceeds ...

  4. 10 Myths about Bedbugs that are Just Crawling with Foolishness

    And it’s, of course, just another myth.”  Find lots of useful and non-mythic information about bedbugs ...

  5. Are Water Quality and Fighting Hunger Important to You?

    You can play a part in either of these causes! ...

  6. The Ginkgo- A tree with lots of reasons to recommend it

    and China and are said to have medicinal qualities in these cultures.  In Western medicine it is the ...

  7. Adventures in Foreign Lands Arose From a CFAES Degree

    advising those with hog projects. Though teaching was his primary commitment, Brother Xavier also managed ...

  8. Is Your Farm Lease Enforceable?

    management, or horticulture, visit: on the web or call the OSU Extension, Butler County, ...

  9. Time to Think about Planting Peas

    Thomas Jefferson, who grew many varieties in his home garden.  And, of course, the monk, Gregor Mendel, ...

  10. Pesticide Storage

    PESTICIDE STORAGE: BEST PRACTICES Always refer to "Storage and Disposal" section on the pesticice label for basic storage information. Store pesticides in a temperature controlled area to prevent freezing or overheating   Photo:  U California, A ...
