
Search results

  1. September Science Cafe´

    11th at 7PM  on  Defining, Understanding and Managing ADHD, presented by a team that includes licensed ...

  2. Production of Specialty Small Grains in Ohio

    Grain Quality Parameters Depending on the end-use, certain grain-quality parameters may need to be met. ... protein, other quality parameters of test weight, grain plumpness, germination, and deoxynivalenol ... concentration may be important depending on end-use. Agronomic Best Management Practices In Ohio, most small ...

  3. Valuable Habits for Effective Managers and Employees

    Manager's Library Series AEDE-0020 Agriculture and Natural Resources 08/22/2024 John Foltz, ... either a manager or as an employee. An old adage says, "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, ... a documented impact on improving on-the-job effectiveness as either a manager or an employee. We will focus our ...

  4. Teaching Tools and Technology

    learning tools and other technology services from the Office of Technology and Digital Innovation (OTDI). ...

  5. Response of Soils and Crops to Gypsum Application in Ohio

    soil health, and water quality: The use of gypsum to improve sodic soils is well documented. Sodic ... quality. King et al. (2016) observed a 41% reduction in dissolved reactive phosphorus (P) and a 40% ... quality by decreasing the P loads in runoff. References Chaganti, V. N., Culman, S. W., Dick, W. A. & ...

  6. Diabetes Hero!

    four-week class. We will focus on superpowers for successfully managing diabetes in everyday situations! ...

  7. Economic Impact of Intel’s Investment in Ohio: Lessons from Chandler, Arizona

    of ideas and innovations. Although initial investments in a location can be costly, they can trigger ... a dynamic ecosystem of technological innovation. Its presence has not only spurred the establishment of ... community. Moreover, the symbiotic relationships formed among these tech firms have spurred innovation across ...

  8. Apply now for the Sustainability Institute

    innovative approaches to the pedagogy of sustainability across the full range of academic disciplines at Ohio ... Sustainability to offer additional resources and mentoring support for faculty members revising existing courses ...

  9. Food Preservation: Basics for Canning Fruit

    Canning Juice GRAPE JUICE Choose fruit of good quality for eating fresh and cooking. Sweet, well­colored, ... 9 pints. Follow the juice-preparation directions in Table 2. APPLE JUICE Good quality apple juice is made ... Due to quality, some fruits are not recommended for raw packing. HOT PACK METHOD Heat fruit in syrup, ...

  10. Early Alert timeline

      REMINDER:  The last day to drop a full-semester course  with instructor and advisor permission  (cannot be ...
