
Search results

  1. Bt Corn Yields

    Bt Corn Yields.pdf 1997 Corn Corn Corn Insects 1997 Morrow Millgrove Performance Test Bt ...

  2. Corn Variety Performance

    Corn Variety Trial.pdf 1997 Corn Corn Performance Test 1997 Knox Ockley Silt Loam Bt ...

  3. Fungicide Effectiveness and Control of Wheat Head Scab

    Fungicide Effectiveness and Control of Wheat Head Scab.pdf 1997 Small Grain Production Small Grain Production Wheat Disease 1997 hancock Blount fungicide ...

  4. Insecticide Use on First-Year Corn

    Insecticide Use on First-year Corn.pdf 1997 Corn Corn Corn Insects 1997 Morrow Millgrove insecticide ...

  5. Liberty Soybean Herbicide Trial

    Liberty Soybean Herbicide Trial.pdf 1997 Soybean Soybean Soybean Weeds 1997 Morrow Millgrove herbicide emergence ...

  6. Liberty Herbicide on Corn

    Liberty Herbicide on Corn.pdf 1997 Corn Corn Corn Weeds 1997 Morrow Millgrove herbicide emergence ...

  7. Modified Relay Intercropping Soybean Nitrogen Evaluation

    Modified Relay Intercropping Soybean Nitrogen Evaluation.pdf 1997 Modified Relay Intercropping Modified Relay Intercropping Soybean 1997 Crawford Blount pH fertilizer Nitrogen N MRI ...

  8. Narrow Row Corn Evaluation

    Narrow row Corn Evaluation.pdf 1997 Corn Corn Corn Planting Morrow 1998 row width ...

  9. Performance of White Winter Wheat Varieties

    Performance of White Winter Wheat Varieties.pdf 1997 Specialty Crops Specialty Crops Small Grain Production 1997 Crawford Blount Performance Test ...

  10. Rotation Effects on Soybean Cyst Nematode Populations

    Rotation Effects on Soybean Cyst Nematode Populations.pdf 1997 Soybean Soybean Soybean Disease 1997 Henry Millgrove Loam (sandy) soybean cyst nematode crop rotation ...
