
Search results

  1. Wine Grape Disease, Insect and Weed Diagnostic Workshop, Ashtabula

     Any Kirk,,  440-224-0273 2)   July 26, 2017  OSU South Centers.  Contact;  Gary Gao, ...,  740-289-2071Complete Flier and Registration ... The OSU Extensin IPM Grape Team and the ohio Grape Industry Committee invite you to attend ...

  2. CSM2440

    202 Bethany scheduled for Abby Tamkin Repeats every week every Tuesday until Tue Apr 20 2021. Tuesday, February 9, 2021- 7:45am to 9:30am Tuesday, February 16, 2021- 7:45am to 9:30am Tuesday, February 23, 2021- 7:45am to 9:30am Tuesday, March 2, 2021- 7:4 ...

  3. Signature Authority

    Reminder: only a handful of people in the University are authorized to sign legally binding documents on behalf of Ohio State. This would include any contracts, agreements, MOUs, etc. These contracts could be for both goods/services we provide to others, ...

  4. ExploreAg: Career Exploration

    food scientists from 2018- 2018, faster than the average for all occupations. OSU Extension, Franklin ...

  5. Extension Office Open on Mondays and Tuesdays by Appointment Only

    Effective weekly, starting the week of January 18, 2021, the Greene County Extension Office will be open on Mondays and Tuesdays 8:30am to 4:30pm with limited staffing by appointment only. Staff can be reached by calling 937-372-9971 or by calling the sta ...

  6. Franklin County 4-H Dog Clinic One tap mobile: +16468769923,,702520635# Dial by your location: +1 646 876 9923 Meeting ID: 702 ...

  7. 2014 Outstanding Senior Awards Recipients

    student-run event which celebrates student achievements.                  2014 Outstanding Senior Awards Photo ... extracurricular, social and personal. The more you know about the opportunities around you, the farther you’ll go ... in anything that might be of your interest. Go ahead and embrace them!   Nick Rettig Academic Unit: ...

  8. 4-H Camp Counselor Training Will Continue as Planned Tonight 1/8/2018

    We will however need to work with you to make sure you make enough meetings/events that you reach the ...

  9. Alpha Sigma Upsilon (ASU) Recruitment Event- Service Crafts

    our winter recruitment events! ASU is a sorority that focuses on sisterhood, scholarship, and ...

  10. Alpha Sigma Upsilon (ASU) Recruitment Event- Spa Night

    our winter recruitment events! ASU is a sorority that focuses on sisterhood, scholarship, and ...
