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  1. H3N2 Flu Outbreak: Awareness Key to Preventing Illness, Minimizing Impact on Pork Industry, Ohio State Experts Say

    visiting fairs should wash their hands with soap and water before and after going into animal buildings, ...

  2. OSU Extension Specialists Exploring Greenhouse Technology in Israel

    Negev Foundation and OSU Extension. The mission is part of the foundation's ongoing efforts to ... enhance Ohio-Israel agro-trade relations. Its one-year program with OSU Extension is designed to bring ... Israeli agriculture experts to Ohio and send OSU Extension specialists to Israel to train and be trained ...

  3. OSU Researchers Working to Boost Blueberry Production in Ohio

    associate professor of small fruit crops at the OSU South Centers. Add to that the increasing consumer ... commercial blueberry production workshop on June 14 from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the OSU South Centers, 1862 ... production are encouraged to call the OSU South Centers at 740-289-2071, ext. 223, to register for this ...

  4. OSU Wine Grape Variety Trial Seeks to Increase Ohio Wine Grape Growing Options

    specialist with OSU Extension. The questions researchers are looking to answer include how the grapes will ... campus, the OSU South Centers in Piketon, and OARDC’s Ashtabula Agricultural Research Station (AARS) in ... Extension specialist and associate professor of small fruit crops at the OSU South Centers in Piketon. ...

  5. Wet Spring Ideal to Practice Controlled Traffic

    planting advantages during a wet spring. "A year like this the soil is going to get compacted very ... priority, and minimizing the number of traffic lanes is next, said Reeder. "A typical farmer is going ...

  6. Ohio Signature Beef

    market," said Frobose. "The success of the program lies in the fact that we go from consumer to ... management process under the program, as much as 90 percent of the cattle going to market meet the ...

  7. Tree Liners Give Purpose to Retractable Roof Greenhouses

    the plants are not going through those extremes." The research, funded by an Ohio Department of ... "When the average price of a liner is going for $15, it makes economical sense to build a retractable ...

  8. Rumen Expert, Microbe Namesake, Notches 2008 OARDC Senior Faculty Research Award

    “Gut Check: New Cattle Microbe Named for OSU Scientist,” ... Kurt Knebusch OARDC Director's Office burk_dehority.jpg False True False False False False ...

  9. Ohio State Hort and Crop Welcomes New Chair

    Horticulture and Crop Science, log on to Victor VanBuchem Bill Randle billrandle.jpg False ...

  10. Ag Secretary Vilsack: OARDC, Industry Partners Key to 'New Rural America'

    ( is the largest university agbioscience research center in the nation.-30- Mauricio Espinoza Bill ...
