
Search results

  1. Heroes Garden Graduation

    Office of OSU Extension and the Central Ohio Veterans Administration Healthcare System. Veterans ...

  2. Talking with Children Matters: Defending the 30 million Word Gap

    Urban Food and Agriculture ...

  3. Beginning Gardening: WOSU Community Conversations

    We've worked diligently to find a way to continue to bring quality programming during our time working remotely. Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator, Tim McDermott, has done so through offering a series of virtual classes. He recently had th o ...

  4. Sustainable Cities: Health at the Heart of Urban Development

    Urban Food and Agriculture ...

  5. Why Downtown Development is Crucial for American Cities

    Urban Food and Agriculture ...

  6. 2018 ITGA City & University Relations Conference

    Urban Food and Agriculture ...

  7. National Urban Extension Leaders North Central Regional Caucus

    Urban Food and Agriculture ...

  8. Structural Racism in America

    At the Urban Institute, they examine how historical and ongoing public policies, institutional practices, and cultural narratives perpetuate racial inequalities and constrain mobility for communities of color. For decades, their researchers have called at ...

  9. USDA Office of Urban Agriculture and Innovative Production Announces Grants

    The 2018 Farm Bill required the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) to establish an Office of Urban Agriculture and Innovative Production. In authorizing the Office, Congress recognized that farmers in urban communities may not fully take advan ...

  10. Smart Corridor Could Forever Change Ohio Transportation

    Urban Food and Agriculture ...
