
Search results

  1. Yoga with Dee

    Outdoor Yoga with Dee has moved indoors With temperatures changing, yoga has moved indoors.  Social distancing and masks are still required. When: Thursdays at 5:30 pm Class size is limited to 9.  FREE for students, $5.00 for any faculty/staff/graduate st ...

  2. All Day Art at the SAC

    It's spooky season!! Hang out at the SAC for some All Day Art on Thursday, October 29 from 11:00 am- 5:00 pm! Pick one of four Halloween characters to make your own- Ghost, Frankenstein, Mummy or Pumpkin!! Space is limited in each hour block.  REGIST ...

  3. Name that Tune

    Grab some friends, but no more than 10, for a few rounds of Name That Tune! When: Wednesday, October 28th at 5:00 pm Where: SAC Game Room Gift Card for winner!! Prizes for all!! REGISTER ...

  4. Internships

    ABS Global is now recruiting for a variety of exciting opportunities for our Summer 2021 intern positions! Depending on positions, internships are open to high-school grads or those pursuing a degree at an accredited technical college or university.  To v ...

  5. News from Academic Affairs

    changes: virtual learning after thanksgiving The last day of any in-person instruction is Wednesday, Nov. 25. There are no scheduled classes Nov. 26th- 27th. Instruction in the last week of the semester (Nov. 30th- Dec. 4th) and final exams (Dec. 7th-11th ...

  6. October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month

    A message from oneeighty.... Explore a bit of the history behind Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Think about how much has changed! Visit  for more information. ...

  7. IM Putting Competition

    IM Putting contests Test your putting skills on the ATI Putting Greens!  Two putting greens, two different contests, more opportunities to win! Contest 1- Come test your skills on our own simulated putt-putt course. Lowest score wins! Contest 2- Combo Put ...

  8. Campus Change Transition Process

    Planning to Transition to columbus in SP21? Please contact Cate Hunko.1,  Transition Counselor, as soon as possible to get enrolled in the Transition modules and submit a campus change request form.  The Transition Modules, Campus Change Request form, and ...

  9. Spirit of the Land Grant Award

    College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences Spirit of the Land Grant Award The CFAES Spirit of the Land Grant Award recognizes an individual who supports or creates opportunities that embody our land grant DNA, including: translational resea ...

  10. ATI Student Org Deadline Past & Approaching

    ATI Student Org to-do list Friendly reminder to all ATI Student Orgs, if you haven't already, please be sure to complete the following to be considered a registered student organization. Student Orgs not registered by November 6th will be removed fro ...
