
Search results

  1. Nominate the Most Spirited Buckeye

    Most Spirited buckeye Now Accepting Nominations for the Most Spirited Buckeye!   Buckeye spirit isn't just about who can wear the most scarlet and gray on game day; it's acts of kindness for others, displays of creativity in your living environm ...

  2. 50th Anniversary Event, Video Highlights

    July 1 reunion event > View video ...

  3. Forming a more Diverse Cooperative History

    Ryan Kline is the new Cooperative Development Specialist for the CFAES Center for Cooperatives. Born and raised on a fifth-generation family farm in Ross County, Appalachian agriculture deeply impacted his personal and professional life. In college, his p ...

  4. Workshop held on Growing Organic Crops in Ukraine

    By Dr. Rafiq Islam SWBR Program Leader Rafiq Islam was actively involved, participating in and virtual teaching, in the training program  “Growing organic crops in crop rotation with a focus on technical tomatoes” organized by the Institute of Water Probl ...

  5. Thousands take part in virtual teaching on climate-smart agricultural renaissance and global food security

    By Dr. Rafiq Islam SWBR Program Leader Rafiq Islam, Program leader of the Soil, Water, and Bioenergy Resources at The Ohio State University South Centers, participated virtually in the International Symposium on Food Security and the Stand of Civilization ...

  6. Dr. Wang’s aquaculture book named one of the all-time best by

    By Bradford Sherman South Centers/CFAES Dr. Hanping Wang’s latest book, Sex Control In Aquaculture, has been named one of the best aquaculture books of all time by the popular book recommendation and ranking website The 888-page, two-vo ...

  7. OCARD partnering with aquafarm giant to commercialize monosex fish

    By Dr. Hanping Wang Aquaculture Program Leader The Ohio Center for Aquaculture Research and Development (OCARD) at the Ohio State University South Centers has partnered with Sandplains Aquaculture farm to commercialize all-male bluegill and all-female yel ...

  8. What exactly is the Appalachian Export Development Program and how to apply?

    The Appalachian Export Development Program is an initiative for eligible businesses in the Appalachian region of Ohio that are looking to start or grow their exports of products and services. The program will pair accepted companies with trained export ad ...

  9. SLC Meeting

    Student leadership council (SLC) UPCOMING MEETING... The next meeting of the SLC is Sunday, Nov. at 7:30 pm. Check email for Zoom invite or SLC Team. Questions or issues, contact holava.1 ...

  10. Fall 2020

