
Search results

  1. When is the Best Time to Market Cull Cows?

    Feed prices keep changing. All of these events create headaches and opportunities. In this column, we ...

  2. Cost of Nutrients and Benchmarks of Profitability for Ohio Dairy Farms

    hay. Feed prices keep changing. All of these events create headaches and opportunities. In this column, ...

  3. Milk Prices, Costs of Nutrients, Margins and Comparison of Feedstuffs Prices

    futures closed even lower than expected to $14.44/cwt, and $14.47/cwt respectively, and really go down in ...

  4. New Chair for the Department of Animal Sciences at The Ohio State University

    significant leadership contributions to academia and the animal sciences industry, Dr. Kensinger brings to OSU ...

  5. Pumpkin Field Night

    Pumpkin Field Night Hosted by Brad Bergefurd   The OSU South Centers will showcase their pumpkin ...

  6. het land van de Friese koeien en paarden (The Land of Friesian Cows and Horses)

    grazing the lush green pastures. Ten OSU students and my wife and I left for the Netherlands on Monday, ... public’s push for preserving the pastoral setting. The OSU students who participated in the Netherlands ...

  7. Collaboration between The Ohio State University South Centers and Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences

    Islam, the program director for Soil, Water and Bioenergy Resources at OSU South Centers, established an ... Academy of Agricultural Sciences – Jiamusi Branch in 2014. Wayne Lewis, the Farm Manager of the OSU South ... Centers, accompanied him to further bridge the collaboration. Dr. Larry Brown at the OSU Department of ...

  8. 2007 Recipients of the Dairy Science Hall of Service

    Ohio. He was a member of the OSU State Extension Dairy Team, Northeast Ohio Dairy Excel Team, OSU ... Extension Forage team, and the OSU Extension Sustainable Agriculture Team. He has conducted field research ... for Farm and Dairy, and various articles for the OSU dairy newsletter known as the Buckeye Dairy News. ...

  9. Professor Elena Irwin Participates in “Rethinking Global Land Use in an Urban Era” at the Ernst Strüngmann Forum in Frankfurt, Germany

    use. Discussion amongst groups and cross-fertilization of ideas during the course of the week-long event are ...

  10. Not the state lottery

    but yes, you are getting something from the state! OSU has some of the most knowledgeable ...
