
Search results

  1. Why Bug Science Matters


  2. Why Food Science Matters


  3. In Memoriam: Warren Lee, AEDE Professor Emeritus

    policy and management information systems. His work with OSU Extension included outreach on agribusiness ...

  4. Squash

    varieties and growing practices at the OSU South Centers research farm and on farm research conducted on ...

  5. Lab Services

    OSU Soil Health Lab Services Click a category below to jump to that section.  SOIL BIOLOGICAL ...

  6. Educational Videos

    business development specialist and member of the business team from OSU South Centers, about what is in ...

  7. Three Ways to Safely Thaw Turkey

    When it comes to Thanksgiving, a lot of people tend to underestimate the time it takes to thaw the turkey. Larger birds can take nearly a week to thaw using safe methods. And guess what? Thanksgiving is next week. These three methods are recommended to en ...

  8. Turkey Buying Tips

    The turkey is the centerpiece of the Thanksgiving table, but the path to cooking and serving the perfect bird starts at the grocery store. Consider these five tips when buying your turkey. 1. Decide if you want fresh or frozen. There is no quality differe ...

  9. Plan Ahead

    Planning ahead is key to keeping yourself calm and collected during the Thanksgiving hustle and bustle, and to making sure food safety takes precedence. For example, consider these tips from Countdown to Thanksgiving on A few weeks before ...

  10. Now is the Time for Tax Planning

    Mr. Donald J. Breece, Farm Management Specialist, OSU Extension Center at Lima (top of page) This ...
