
Search results

  1. Sally A. Miller

    sanitizers against human pathogen indicator microorganisms and  Phytophthora capsici  in non-recycled surface ...

  2. Ohio State Maple Syrup available

    too. A Backyard Maple Production workshop will be held Jan. 29, 2024, from 6:30–9 p.m. at the Event ... Events Research Media Advisory Business and Economics Tracy Turner 614-688-1067 ...

  3. Student Development

    Council OSU Council of Graduate Students Offices, Funding and Awards, Programs and Events- Serving on ...

  4. OSU Research Internship Program

    Student interns will be selected on a competitive basis by the ORIP selection committee. Interns will be ...

  5. Zoller and Barrett Named to Interim OSU Extension Positions 330-263-3627 Extension Faculty and Staff College Events/Announcements CFAES News Team ...

  6. The real tale of a real Christmas tree

    resource since they clean the air, and the tree farms are usually on land that's unsuitable for other ...

  7. CFAES conference offers resources on production and management for growing organic grains

    in weed ecology. The event will also include a preconference dinner and brainstorming session on Jan. ... farmer, said he that is looking forward to at the event. “The conference is a great way for organic ... Events Media Advisory Business and Economics Tracy Turner 614-688-1067 ...

  8. Dean’s Charity Steer Show at the Ohio State Fair

    captain, a team champion, an experienced Ohio 4-H youth, and a steer in the show ring.  The event will be ... steer show is an annual event coordinated by CFAES, Telhio Credit Union, Ohio Cattlemen’s Association, ...

  9. Student Emergency Fund

    medical bills Other needs considered on a case-by-case basis INELIGIBLE EXPENSES Tuition and fees Student ...

  10. How Coronovirus Impacts the Safety of Fresh Produce

    least 60% alcohol. Remember hand sanitizer is only effective if your hands are clean (i.e. wash with ... cleaning and sanitation of the surfaces are critical. A recent study found that the coronaviruses can ... measures, you should always wash your hands before handling the produce. Use hand sanitizer that has at ...
