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  1. CFAES associate dean, faculty member, and grad student earn national engineering honors Jaden Tatum ASABE Faculty and Staff College Events/Announcements Tracy ...

  2. Flying high with 4-H

    myself and my community. And to use my health to live a clean, healthy life and be a better me.”  “I ...

  3. Forage Testing for Beef Cattle

    the full depth of the tube. Place samples in a clean plastic bucket and thoroughly mix them. Pour the ... entire mixed sample onto a clean flat surface. Level the sample and separate it into equal quarters. ... them in a clean plastic bucket. Mix well and bag them in plastic with a tag. Reseal slits with silage ...

  4. Blacklegged (Deer) Tick, Ixodes scapularis

    aches/pains, rash) in the following weeks. You can also save the tick in rubbing alcohol, hand sanitizer, or ... tick in rubbing alcohol, hand sanitizer, or a sealed baggie. If symptoms develop, seek medical care. ... pressure. 3. Save the tick in rubbing alcohol, hand sanitizer, or a sealed container/bag. 4. Wash hands, the ...

  5. Hobby Maple Syrup Production

    you need to be as careful about producing your syrup. You need to use proper sanitation, process the ... sauce. Sap can also pick up the flavor of sanitizers. Do not use detergents, heavy chlorine cleaners or ... other soap products to wash out or sanitize your equipment. The best way to sanitize equipment is to use ...

  6. Food Safety in Gardens

    should be cleaned and sanitized before each use. Plastic bags can be used to collect fruits and ... cleaned with soap and water and sanitized with a dilute solution of bleach (1 Tablespoon per gallon of ... a regular basis. Refer to the fact sheet “Where to Have Your Water Tested” (AEX-315) for a list of water ...

  7. Food Safety for Fruits and Vegetables

    Harvesters should be cleaned and adjusted daily. Bulk bins or truck bodies should be routinely sanitized to ... presence of animals and wildlife, personal hygiene, packing in the field and packinghouse, sanitation ... his/her hands. Every person working on the farm must have a good knowledge of basic sanitation and hygiene ...

  8. Freezing and Canning Venison

    chlorine bleach for this purpose rather than the scented varieties. For cleaning and sanitizing equipment ... would hold heat which could cause the meat to spoil. Transporting the meat: Wrap the carcass in a clean ... sheet “Making Jerky” at Preparation of Work Area Regular cleaning ...

  9. Selecting, Storing, and Using Fresh Herbs

    for immediate use unless they are to be dried or frozen. Herbs should be fresh, clean, and free of ...

  10. Moderate to larger-than-moderate harmful algal bloom predicted for western Lake Erie

    precipitation, particularly for July. There is a small risk of a significant rainfall event over the next few ... Tips and Events Research Media Advisory Business and Economics CFAES News Team ...
