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C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2009-24
germinate under stress conditions. 2) Get the grain cleaned to remove weed seed, poorly developed or ... infestation, especially by Indianmeal moth and granary weevil. Start with a clean insect-free grain wagon. The ... grain wagon should have been thoroughly cleaned before the wheat seed was placed into it for short-term ...
TWEL Stephen Matthews Dissertation
how migration events influence arrival in breeding areas. During May of 2004-2007, I caught 103 ...
C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2006-28
This is a disease that southern soybean producers deal with on an annual basis and it is usually ... Sandhill Rd, Bellevue, Ohio 44811. The event will showcase the latest in innovative spray technology: Air ... will be no on-site registration the day of the event. Easy ways to register! Check or credit cards are ...
Wet Weather: Flooding, Poor Nodulation, and Disease Concerns
soybeans. Here is a guide to help differentiate among some key problems when these types of weather events ...
New to LibertyLink Soybean?- Here's your Primer
event of problems probably varies among manufacturers also.- Any number of residual premix products can ...
Topdressing Wheat with Liquid Swine Manure
following 24 hours. Print this forecast out so you have proof in the event of a surprise downpour. ...
Spring Plant Sale
Plant Sale & Auction Fundraiser Many Student Groups and Vendors offering: •new and unusual perennials and annuals •Herbs •Heirloom and Organic Vegetables •Colorful hanging baskets •Native plants •Unusual and dwarf conifers •Tools •Rain garden plants • ...
Ohio Shale’s Biggest Environmental Impact May Be on Forests: Talk at Farm Science Review
130,000 people are expected to attend the event. Extension farm science review Gwynne Conservation Area ...
C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2011-41
moisture percentages among hybrids at harvest can provide a basis for comparing hybrid maturity. Low ... levels of stalk lodging this year provide a limited basis for making comparisons of stalk quality among ...
Jennifer Malpass' Defense Seminar
events. Specifically, domestic cats (Felis catus) were over 5x as frequently documented depredating ...