
Search results

  1. Grain Marketing Workshop

    offers education and farm ready strategies on topics such as: basis, market carry, margins, cash markets, ... forward and futures contracts, hedge to arrive and basis contracts, differed price, hedging, storage, and ...

  2. Food Preservation: Making and Preserving Barbecue and Hot Sauces

    about 1½–2 hours with frequent stirring. Remove the spice bag and fill hot product into clean, hot jars, ... leaving ½-inch headspace. Wipe the rims of jars with a dampened, clean paper towel; apply a two-piece, ... Return to heat for an additional 15 minutes. Fill into clean, hot jars, leaving ¼-inch headspace. Wipe ...

  3. Calendar of events

    Committee is hosting a craft show. The event will include more than 70 crafter tables and a bake sale. Lunch ... donations and proceeds from the event will support Canter’s Cave 4-H Camp. Visit the event’s Facebook page ...

  4. State 4-H Horse Communications Contest

    provide refunds. CONTEST SCHEDULE Registration for this event, including payment of entry fee ($10 for ... requirements.  Event Details: For youth currently enrolled in a 4-H or FFA horse project & have completed the ... Presentation times will be assigned on a random basis.  The office will also verify with the county extension ...

  5. Calibration of Orchard and Vineyard Sprayers

    Clean all clogged nozzles and screens before calibrating the sprayer and after each application ... sprayer, doing the actual spraying, and cleaning the equipment. Disclaimer: Equipment and product images ...

  6. CFAES Holiday Open House

    Faculty Advisory Council, Staff Advisory Council, and Vice President and Dean Cathann Kress invite you to attend. ...

  7. Swine

    Swine Health Recommendations: Biosecurity for Organizers of Weighin or Tagging Events   Contact ...

  8. Narrow Row Spacing in Corn: Management Considerations for Ohio

    the cost of inputs, and application costs on an annual basis. Table 3 (click table to download Word ...

  9. Food Preservation: Basics for Canning Vegetables

    above. Equipment Pressure Canner The pressure canner is a large pot with a tight­-fitting lid, a clean ... jars from canners knives cutting boards a timer or a clock clean cloths and towels hot pads Filling ... Jars Raw-Pack Method When vegetables are raw packed, they are cleaned but not heated. Then, they are ...

  10. Jackson County focuses on conservation at camp

    County. “This was the first event of its kind for the Jackson County 4-H program, but I’m hopeful that ...
