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  1. Home

    Act (FSMA)-Fresh Produce Safety Rules. We strive to ensure a strong scientific basis behind the best ...

  2. Managing Motivation as a Student in the Time of COVID-19

    face when trying to work on dissertations/theses, and time for discussion/Q&A. This event is free ...

  3. FSMA Compliance Clinic OSU In-Service

    An educational opportunity for OSU Extension Educators and colleagues. This event is not open to ... the public. The event will be held at Rhoads Farms, Inc. (1051 SR 56E, Circleville, OH 43113) and is ...

  4. Events


  5. Virtual Kick-Off Event: Engaged Practitioners Network

    The Engaged Practitioners Network is a space for those Ohio State staff who are working in spaces of community outreach and engagement. We will provide an opportunity for sharing best practices as well as networking with colleagues across campus. Our goal ...

  6. 2018 Ohio Produce Network

    To register for this event please go to the OPGMA website. ...

  7. 2016 BNRC Gathering of Men

    Center sponsors an annual "Gathering of Men" event. This event provides an opportunity for ... students, faculty, staff, and community professionals to network and fellowship with each other. This event ... takes place during the Fall Semester. The relationships forged at the Gathering of Men event can lead ...

  8. Students

    host workshops and events on campus and around the community while collaborating with other student ... organizations for their leadership and commitment to creating and sustaining programs, events, and activities ... events and programs! Students, staff, faculty and community members are most welcome to contact us to ...

  9. Past Mini-grant recipients

    interview them and air the shows on a monthly basis.  The Youth Beat group provides training and technical ...

  10. About (for homepage banner)

    Practices (GAPs).  We strive to ensure a strong scientific basis behind the best practices taught and ...
