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  1. OARDC to Host Compost Bedded Pack Dairy Barn Workshop on Dec. 5

    agricultural and biological engineering at Ohio State University and one of the event’s organizers and ...

  2. Fast Changing Feed Markets Bring Opportunities

    of energy, which remains at a level modestly high from a historical basis, 2) A 50% drop in the cost ...

  3. Who's Who

    technology. Many memorable events occurred in his career, but the bus trip to Wyoming County NY that he ...

  4. The Costs of Nutrients and Comparison of Feedstuffs Prices

    Thus, the results do not imply that the bargain feeds are cheap on a historical basis. Table 2.  Actual, ...

  5. Ohio State Announces New Network for Environmental Professionals

    Sustainability; Land Use; Water; and Wildlife. Also on that page are polls, notices, event listings, and a section ...

  6. OSU Extension: Fall Frost Increases the Potential for Toxicity in Livestock

    after a frost event, Sulc said. These species contain compounds called cyanogenic glucosides that ...

  7. OSU Extension: Fall Frost Increases the Potential for Toxicity in Livestock

    after a frost event, Sulc said. These species contain compounds called cyanogenic glucosides that ...

  8. Milk Prices, Costs of Nutrients, Margins and Comparison of Feedstuffs Prices

    that the bargain feeds are cheap on a historical basis. Table 2. Actual, breakeven (predicted) and 75% ...

  9. Acute Bloat Syndrome in Dairy Calves

    to prevent ABS. These include feeding the calves multiple, small meals on a consistent basis, mixing ...

  10. Ohio State Research: Intercrop Soybeans May Offer Higher Yields, Financial Boost Over Double Crop Soybeans

    program coordinator. The event will focus on how the modified relay intercropping of soybeans system works ...
