
Search results

  1. Congratulations to the Quarter Scale Tractor team!

    engineers through fundraising and competition events;- Enhance team building skills as they design, build, ...

  2. Rededication Ceremony and Field Day

    details on the event, contact the station’s manager, Wayne Shriver, at  or ...

  3. Planter Field Day

    representative will be on hand to talk about planter specifications.  The event will be held on May 31 from 8:00 ...

  4. Champaign County Precision Ag Day: Planter Technology

    Insurance Group, and our Breakfast Sponsor, Tri-County Insurance Services, LLC. The event is free but RSVPs ...

  5. Small Grains Field Day

    event which runs from 9:30 am and concluding around 3:15 pm.   In addition to looking at how small ...

  6. Getting Your Corn Crop Off to a Good Start in 2015

    which can reduce yields. Adjust Seeding Rates on a Field-by-Field Basis:  Lower seeding rates are ...

  7. Planter Field Day

    representative will be on hand to talk about planter specifications.  The event will be held on May 31 from 8:00 ...

  8. Seed treatments for watermolds and fungi are essential for Ohio’s poorly drained soils

    basis. We are sure your next question is which seed treatment package is best. In reality the companies ...

  9. 2013 Diversity Leadership Symposium

    Please mark your calendars for April 12 and come and support one of our college’s premier events ... address by Dr. David Livermore.  This event will be held on April 12, 2012 from 8:00AM-4:00PM at The ...

  10. OSU Weed Science Field Tour

    includes the tour book and lunch.  Payment can be via cash or check the day of the event. Please RSVP to ...
