
Search results

  1. Ohio Make It With Wool

    hosting the event, but will be giving the senior AND junior state winner a $1000.00 scholarship which will ...

  2. Dogs Needed for Research Study

    Help with a research project and get an Amazon gift card? Sign me up! Every year, thousands of dogs are relinquished to shelters because of behavioral problems; often these dogs end up being euthanized because the behaviors they display make them unadopta ...

  3. Tri-State Sow Housing Conference

    Interested in the swine industry? No experience? No problem! Dr. Pairis-Garcia is looking for undergraduate students interested in learning more about career opportunities in swine and connecting students with producers in the state of Ohio. This is an ex ...

  4. Mental Health Workshop

    The Pre-Veterinary Medical Association will be hosting Annie Abraham, clinical therapist, at The Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine, on January 17th from 7-8pm in the VMCA. She will be addressing the topic of mental health and how to per ...

  5. Animal Welfare & Behavior Club Meeting

    The first Animal Welfare & Behavior Club meeting of the semester is January 17th at 5:30 in Enarson 238! Wild Hearts Zoo will be coming to speak about exotic animal welfare and will be bringing some small exotics with them, such as an owl, hedgehog, f ...

  6. Omega Tau Sigma Etiquette Dinner

    All Animal Science Students/all CFAES Students are invited to attend Omega Tau Sigma's Etiquette Dinner. OTS is a nationally recognized veterinary fraternity that encourages and fosters the development of well rounded veterinarians. This dinner will ...

  7. Club Calf for Sale

    There is a Shorthorn Plus Steer club calf for sale. The calf was born on February 7, 2017. For pictures and more information, please see the attachment or call 614-282-1154. ...

  8. Hull and Weaver Inducted into Dairy Science Hall of Service 2015

    Service Friday night at the Department of Animal Sciences annual recognition event, An Evening of ...

  9. Caroline Grace Cotter Memorial Service

    Many of you have heard that we lost one of our own over winter break, Caroline “Grace" Cotter. Grace was a member of the Army ROTC at OSU, CFAES B2SB Committee, Vice President of the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences Student C ...

  10. 2012 Buckeye Shepherd's Symposium

    and Utilizing Forages on a Small Ruminant (Sheep and Goat) Farm”. This year’s annual event will be ... event will be held Sat., Dec. 8 at the Agricultural Technical Institute (ATI), Skou Hall, 1328 Dover ...
