
Search results

  1. 4-H Market Beef Weigh-In

    attend this event. Letters will be sent out early November to all 2015 exhibitors. ...

  2. Ohio Valley Entomological Association

    competition. Two OSU students won awards at the event:  Katie Todd won first place and MaLisa Spring received ...

  3. Fertilizer Applicator Recertification Programs

    you to the program January 25:  Shearer Equipment John Deere Day.  As part of this event fertilizer ...

  4. 2017 Junior Fair Schedule Finalized

    board ruled that the 2017 fair schedule of events will not be changing to different days of the week ...

  5. 4-H News and Notes for June 5, 2015

    weekend looks great and there are several really nice events going on around the community for kids and ... Wayne County Music and RibFest Schedule of Events for June 5th and 6th  - Tickets still availabele for ...

  6. Horse Tack Swap

    330-466-1171. Please note:  this event is open to 4-H members but is not sponsored by The Ohio State University, ...

  7. March Is National Nutrition Month

    event I am doing an Occasional Quantity Cook training next Tuesday, March 17 th at 6:00 P.M. here at the ...

  8. OAA Annual Conference * Jan. 31- Feb. 1, 2015

    peers, industry specialists and aquaculture vendors at the 2015 OAA Annual Conference. The event features ...

  9. Try It, You’ll Like It!

    family time together.  Try not to be in a hurry and talk about the day’s events and the plans for the ...

  10. The Power of Positivity

    to each of us how we approach our life journey, with a smile or with a frown.  Some events will be ...
