
Search results

  1. Income Tax Webinar for Farm and Land Owners

    January 29 from 10 a.m. to noon. The event is sponsored by Ohio State University Extension. The webinar, ...

  2. Environmental Professional Network Breakfast- Ag & Water Quality Issues

    at new progress in serving the state’s farmers, food and water. The event, which is open to the ... safety. The event, which is called “Agriculture and Water Quality Issues: OSU Research and Agency ... The event is from 7:15 to 9:30 a.m. in Ohio State’s Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center, 2201 ...

  3. Empathy and Flexibility Go a Long Way When Managing Farm Employees

    animals can reach the food. A robot could even clean and prep a cow for mechanized milking. However, as ...

  4. Special Holiday 2-for-1 Offer

    discover the beauty and joy of Chadwick Arboretum’s gardens and year-round events.  Before December 1, ... trees in the city by 2020. Educational opportunities and outreach events for students, volunteers, ... members, and the community such as our Fall Student Events, Arboblitz, Arbor Day, and Earth Day.  ...

  5. Muck Crops Field Day is July 27

    field day in Huron County. The event is sponsored by Ohio State University Extension and the Ohio ... answer questions. The event is free and includes breakfast. To register or for more information, contact ...

  6. Ohio Blueberry, Bramble, & Wine Grape Field Night

    includes dinner, and all educational materials.   Pre-registration is required, and this event is a prepay ...

  7. Pests, Weeds and Crop Diseases Arriving Early

    and bigger and there are more. They basically had a head start coming into spring.”-30- Writer(s): ...

  8. Livestock Manure and Weed Field Day is July 12

    the large amount of manure it generates are the reasons this farm was chosen for the event. “Livestock ... own farms.” Registration for the event is $5 per participant, which covers the cost of lunch and ...

  9. Volunteer-Only Thank You Celebration

    starting later to allow for working volunteers to arrive) 6:30-8:00     Party Link to the event page:  ... Meet at the Lane Avenue Trellis. Parking is available adjacent to the Ag. Administration Building ...

  10. 2017 Day of Education

    lunch with friends, and learn some interesting gardening tips and techniques. This event is open to only ... volunteer or have questions about Day of Education? Email Trish Clark at Event ... – 11:45 a.m.       Sprint Plant Sale & Auction and Upcoming Events, Trish Clark  11:45 a.m. – 12:30 ...
