
Search results

  1. 4-H Calendar- Brown County

    click on an event for more details such as April 1st is the Enrollment Deadline, when you click on the ... event you will see all of the paperwork that is due on that day.            Remember... If a deadline ...

  2. The Esophageal Feeder

    follows: 1. Prior to tubing the calf, examine the feeder to make sure it is clean and undamaged. 2. The ... that adheres to the inside of the feeder. If not properly cleaned and disinfected, you risk inoculating ...

  3. Northwest Ohio Agronomic Field Day

    technology by attending the 2018 Agronomic Field Day. Free event Topics include Fertilizer Placement Options ...

  4. Wayne County Fair Demo Schedule

    below. Wayne County Grange Rotunda Schedule of Events fair ...

  5. Corn Stalk Nitrate Test

    clean as possible while sampling, if it is hot, a cooler can be used to store samples.  Place each group ...

  6. 2017 Wayne County 4-H Legacy Dinner

    Certified Angus Beef and Gerber Poultry Tickets $50 / person (Adults Only) Additional event sponsorships ... available, please contact Doug Foxx for more information. Download Event Cover Letter, Invitation, and ... thank the following businesses and families for their support to make tonight’s Legacy Dinner event ...

  7. Winter Teat Care for Dairy Cows

    recommends continuing the normal dipping routine but take extra steps for protection including: Use a clean ...

  8. Fall Manure Application to Wheat and other Fields

    of a rain event, and/or by incorporating the manure at the time of application or within a few hours ...

  9. Forage Toxicities and Frost Events

    poisoning following a frost event.  Some other species that may be in or near pastures and hay fields and ... livestock graze any plants in the sorghum family immediately following a frost event.  However, because ...

  10. Help Needed for Large Mailing about the New Jr. Fair Livestock Center

     we really need your help stuffing a large mailing about the new Junior Fair Livestock and Events ...
