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  1. Wooster Science Cafe Spring 2021: Biological control, a 21st-century technique to grow healthy plants

    How do we produce healthy plants? What is Integrated Pest Management? What is Biological Control? ...

  2. Documenting Your Teaching

    At 1 p.m.  Thursday (April 29)  the last installment of the  Documenting Your Teaching  series will guide participants through a facilitated writing session around creating focused and effective teaching narratives ...

  3. First Gen Student Experience Discussion

    What do we know about the first-generation student experience? The panelists for this session, all contributors to the forthcoming First-Generation Student Annotated Bibliography, will draw on the research and practice literature, mass media, and popular ...

  4. For Well Owners

    ://   The only enforceable standard is for bacteria. Total coliform >4MPN requires cleaning and ...

  5. Livestreamed Presentation from the Research Commons: Introduction to Data Visualization

    Libraries has to offer in terms of data visualization support.    This event will be livestreamed. To join ...

  6. Meet the new CFAES Associate Dean for Research & Graduate Education

    all CFAES faculty, staff, and students to attend an informal social event to meet Gary Pierzynski. ... There will be two events, one in Columbus and one in Wooster (see details below). Gary is the new CFAES ... Agricultural Administration 250A The events are informal and light refreshments will be provided. ...

  7. Grant Writing: An Introduction Livestream Event   ...

  8. Buck-I-Experience program

    able to enjoy the Buckeye Experience, by attending football and basketball games, OUAB events or ...

  9. Pansy Sale

    The ATI Greenhouse is having a spring plant sale! Choose from an assortment of Pansies and Perennials. ...

  10. School Enrichment

    basic money management practices in the classroom and then make simulated lifestyle and budget choices ...
