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  1. Following successful 2018, Endeavor Center enters transition period as new year begins

    SBDC continues to strengthen partnerships by jointly hosting training events with local business ...

  2. Ohio Celebrates Local Foods Week Aug. 9-15, 2015

    event includes a $10 pledge and a website with an events calendar, resources, and event marketing tools ...

  3. Coming soon: Co-op Mastery, an online training from The Ohio Cooperative Development Center

    “Co-op Mastery: Beyond Cooperatives 101,” will go beyond basic cooperative information by providing ...

  4. YuTube: Newly-minted Professor Yu ‘Gary’ Gao takes on new challenge – online video

    stream of visiting scholars. He holds several popular events throughout the year including the Blueberry, ...

  5. SBDC wraps up successful 2018 fiscal year

    events with 344 attendees • SBDC Clients created 106 new jobs and retained 532 jobs • Recorded $4,944,400 ...

  6. DUE: 4-H Event Youth Assistant Applications


  7. International Workshop and Field Day on Climate-smart Agriculture in Ukraine

    Ukraine, and several participants from other countries attended. The event took place at the Institute of ...

  8. Jared Morrison

    219 Jared Morrison, CFAES Event Planner  292-0618 Thursday, March 31, 2016- 12:30pm to 3:30pm ...

  9. Comprehensive Outreach and Training Program to Expand Development of North Central Region Aquaculture

    aquaponics and recirculating aquaculture systems at the joint event with North Central Regional Aquaculture ... Center, the Kansas Aquaculture Association, and the Missouri Aquaculture Association. Future events are ...

  10. A Fruitful Year

    of the workshop were able to learn basic and advanced pruning techniques for their fruit-growing ...
