
Search results

  1. Outdoor Recreation and Parks Links

    to plan events/education) Lake Erie Charter Boat Association (promotes sound fisheries management in ...

  2. Strawberry Event

    This is about strawberries ...

  3. Celebrating Your Impact

    Extension – 4-H Youth Development. For a couple of years, when the “Capital Challenge” event in cooperation ... meetings of the 4-H Professionals within their own EERAs to plan area-wide events, share materials and ...

  4. Leave the Tilling to Mother Nature

    change, soil health, cover crops and no-till farming, events sponsored by two farm organizations in ...

  5. 2014 Alumni Awards Luncheon

    staff in the Ohio Union for the annual event, which honors those who contribute in various ways to the ... college, the university and the community as a whole. Click  HERE  to see images from the event.  Click on ... Development Event Teams throughout the year, assists with the FFA Alumni Chapter and orchestrates student ...

  6. Register Now for Homecoming!

    Homecoming. Just click on  then select “Update Your Info.”  Event registration is open, ...

  7. Farms, Farmland, and Food System Links

    Ohio Clean Lakes Initiative (July 2012 initiative of Ohio agencies/partners to mitigate ag nutrient ...

  8. Pat and Bobby Moser Scholars Ultimate Ice Cream Social

    event.  Dean McPheron, Pat and Bobby also had the honor of introducing the first Moser Scholarship ...

  9. Ag & Food Law Consortium Offers Webinar on Estate Planning Basics

    What can farm owners and operators do to prepare for the estate planning process?  A free webinar on November 15 at noon EST will cover steps to take before meeting with an attorney for estate planning, such as setting goals and compiling necessary inform ...

  10. OCDC achievements

    OCDC provided a number of educational sessions at events like the West Virginia Small Farm Conference, ...
