
Search results

  1. Register for the Midwest Graduate Student Conference on Regional and Applied Economics

    speakers for the event include: keynote speaker Dr. Philip McCann from the University of Groningen in the ...

  2. Meet Holly Hall, AEDE Student Service Center Office Associate

    new and improved ways of assisting our students through both online and in-person materials, events ...

  3. Show Us Your Tailgate Promotion

    related to agriculture in Ohio. The event is part of the Ohio Soybean Council's "Freedom to ...

  4. Show Us Your Tailgate Promotion

    visiting the store regarding positive messages related to agriculture in Ohio. The event is part of the ...

  5. AEDE to Host the Midwest Graduate Student Conference on Regional and Applied Economics (CRAE) in April 2013

    speakers for the event include: keynote speaker Dr. Philip McCann from the University of Groningen in the ...

  6. CD Wire- March 30, 2015

    the nexus of plant and microbial genetics and bioprocessing. Moving from basic research discoveries to ... a room at this price is April 24. For complete details, visit: Applied ...

  7. CD Wire- March 19, 2013

    recovery, the condition of the housing market, and international economic events will all affect both the ... facing local governments will be determined, in part, by the duration of these events. Michigan State ... Schweikhardt is the speaker.  Registration is required  ( Financial Affairs Webinar- March ...

  8. CD Wire- March 11, 2014

    are posted at: Registration ... to plan the Symposium on Small Towns event which will be held in Morris, Minnesota on June 4–5. The ... event is themed "Understanding Rural Migration: Myths, Trends and Opportunities Exposed." ...

  9. CD Weekly Wire- October 8, 2012

    results. For more information, including event location, visit: For ... Creek Wind Farm, located in Van Wert and Paulding counties in Ohio. The purchase of clean, renewable ...

  10. Eligibility to Drive OARDC Vehicles

    event of an at-fault accident. For vehicles assigned to departments, departments are obligated to make ...
