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  1. Student Organizations

    information about starting a new club, reporting a club event or activity, and more!  Student Organizations ...

  2. Congratulations to the Equine Marketing Class!

    Springfield, Ohio. This event showcased the hard work and dedication of our students in the equine majors, and ...

  3. SENR Career Ambassadors

    your SENR-related classes to tell your peers about upcoming career events, such as career fairs, ... networking events, workshops, and employer tabling. You will also be asked to sign up to make announcements ... opportunities, such as the opportunity to volunteer as a student host for employers at various events. Learn more ...

  4. Equine Marketing Class Travels to 2024 Buckeye Classic Yearling Sale

    Ohio. "This event showcased the hard work and dedication of our students in the equine majors, and ...

  5. Food Preservation: Making and Preserving Sauerkraut

    should be washed with warm water and soap. Clean containers not made of food-grade materials can be used ... cold, clean water to remove soil or debris. Cut the head of cabbage into pieces and remove the center ...

  6. Food Preservation: Basics for Canning Fruit

    the jar walls. If needed, add more liquid. Wipe the jar rim with a clean, dampened towel to remove any ... wipe the jars with a clean, damp cloth to remove any residue or stickiness. Add labels with the date, ... University Extension. Food Home, Yard and Garden food preservation canning fruit basics for canning fruit ...

  7. Inaugural Ohio Soil Health Week: Celebrating healthy soils for environmental and human health

    and share, especially as changes to climate, such as extreme weather events, threaten to exacerbate ... a range of soil health-focused events across the Buckeye state aimed to improve on-farm resilience and ... grassroots policy organizer, OEFFA, reviews forthcoming soil health events. 9:30 a.m. Dr. Haab concludes the ...

  8. EPN Breakfast Event- Tuesday, November 12, 2024: Inaugural Ohio Soil Health Week: Celebrating healthy soils for environmental and human health

    Join this EPN program, in partnership with OEFFA, to dig in with soil health experts and practitioners on advancements and perspectives in soil health related to agriculture fields, gardens, livestock grazing paddocks, prairies and grasslands, and landsca ...

  9. Full list of 2022 Publications

    groundwater, soil moisture, and tile outlet discharge following storm events, Agricultural Water Management, ...

  10. Jeremy T. Bruskotter

    conservation.  My research is necessarily interdisciplinary—it often integrates theory and concepts from basic ...
