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  1. Biosecurity Fundamentals for Extension Personnel

    tattoo sets, tagging pliers, buckets). Clean and sanitize all transported equipment before and after use ... controlled; and how cleaning and disinfection procedures will be designed to reduce pathogen levels. Every ... minimize the spread of diseases. Basic issues to consider in a biosecurity program include isolating new ...

  2. Chlorinated Water Sanitation of Leafy Green Vegetables For Fresh Produce Processors

    Following harvest, leafy green vegetables are treated with sanitizers to reduce bacteria that have come in ... several liquid sanitizers that could be used to decrease bacterial load—including chlorine dioxide, ozone ... and peroxyacetic acid—chlorinated water is the frequently used sanitizer in the fresh produce ...

  3. Food Safety in Gardens

    should be cleaned and sanitized before each use. Plastic bags can be used to collect fruits and ... cleaned with soap and water and sanitized with a dilute solution of bleach (1 Tablespoon per gallon of ... Sanitation Pathogens can end up on fresh produce through cross-contamination from dirty surfaces. Harvesting ...

  4. Lawn Mowing

    impact initiate the cut, a sharp blade is key for a clean, precise finish. For a select group of ... against a fixed bar, delivering a clean cut. Reel mowers also excel at following contours, ensuring ... mowing wet turf. It's harder to cut the turf cleanly, clogs rotary mowers, and hinders proper ...

  5. Managing Corn in Response to Severe Storms and Short-Term Weather Stressors

    precipitation as well as in heavy precipitation events (Wilson, et al., 2022; Wilson, et al., 2023; Jay, et al., ... events could involve decisions prior to their occurrence (e.g., planting date, hybrid selection), as well ... cold temperatures (associated with cold fronts) flooding or waterlogging damage from hail events wind ...

  6. Lettuce Cook: Star Spangled Foods

    Lettuce Cook is a youth cooking and gardening program for ages 6-12. Youth will learn basic ...

  7. Current Sanitation Practices for Leafy Green Vegetables For Processors, Retailers and Consumers

    deaths due to current sanitation and handling practices. Of the 9.6 million cases of total foodborne ... and romaine lettuce, and spinach are typically more challenging to sanitize than other vegetables ... for understanding this information is to identify potential improvements on sanitation processes, ...

  8. Growing Peaches and Nectarines in the Home Landscape

    different peach cultivars (varieties), but basically there are two types: freestones and clingstones. In ...

  9. On-Farm Biosecurity: Traffic Control and Sanitation

    (movement of people, animals and equipment) will be regulated, and how cleaning and disinfection procedures ... clean footwear. You should provide them with disposable plastic boots (or clean rubber boots that can be ... alcohol-based disposable hand wipes or gel sanitizers may be used.  Moderate-Risk Visitors People who routinely ...

  10. Understanding Value in Lime

    increase in the acidic cation Hydrogen (H) or a decrease in basic cations, Calcium (Ca), Magnesium (Mg), ... reduce the pH. 1 The parent materials, which make up the soil, may release basic cations, which tends to ... mechanical harvest also removes basic cations, reducing soil pH. Additional reasons for pH decrease include ...
