
Search results

  1. CFAES Peer Mentor Program

    I wanted to be a friend and guiding hand to new students.  Lastly, I enjoy all the fun events that are ...

  2. Testing Agreement

    Calculator allowed * Basic Scientific Graphing None Textbook/Notes/Charts/Etc. allowed * Yes No Other (please ...

  3. Congratulations to the Equine Marketing Class!

    Springfield, Ohio. This event showcased the hard work and dedication of our students in the equine majors, and ...

  4. Kennel Tech Opportunity

    technician for Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Primary responsibilities include cleaning the clinic and ...

  5. Space Reservation Request Form

    on your proposed date(s). (Room Matrix Instruction Guide). NOTE: All events must have a 15 minute ... buffer between other events on the Room Matrix. Your event must begin at least 15 minutes after the prior ... event and/or end 15 minutes before the next event on the Room Matrix.  If the space to be ...

  6. ASGSA Chili Cookoff

    a one-day event where we will have chili's cooked/submitted by anyone that signs up (undergraduate, ...

  7. Black Soybean in Ohio: Addressing Stem, Pod, and Seed Decay

    strengthen soybean crop health and productivity, though unpredictable weather events, like this year's ...

  8. Homesteading Conference Oct 26, 2024, Boone County KY

    Basics, Butcherin’ Basics, From Homestead to Farmstead: Marketing and Selling Beyond the Farm Gate, Goat ...

  9. First-Generation College Student Celebration

    National First-Generation College Student Celebration Week starts 11/4 and ends 11/8.  A dinner will be held on 11/7 to recognize first-generation students, as well as celebrate staff, faculty, and advocates for their accomplishments and support of the fi ...

  10. Halloween Softball

    Want to play some softball? Love Halloween and costumes? We have the perfect event! Halloween ...
