
Search results

  1. Naturalist Series: Superheroes of the Bug World

    events are $5 ($30 for the whole series) and occur at 6:30 pm in the Mahoning County Extension Office.  ...

  2. Naturalist Series: Skulls Tell It All

    events are $5 ($30 for the whole series) and occur at 6:30 pm in the Mahoning County Extension Office. ...

  3. Hydrangea School

    Extension. Cost: $30 per person For more information and the event flyer, click here.  ...

  4. Naturalist Series: Weather, Climate, and Climate Change Impacts on the Environment

    events are $5 ($30 for the whole series) and occur at 6:30 pm in the Mahoning County Extension Office.  ...

  5. Advisor Resources

    are engaged in club meetings, activities, and events Club Disbanding  In the event that a club becomes ...

  6. Department 6: Swine

    scales in an orderly manner by rows and pens. Hogs must be clean. Monday, July 15th, 9:00 a.m. Beef, ...

  7. HCS Alumni Spotlight: Jeff Boll

    tour event in the fall. Owning my own business has been special as it is something that hopefully one ...

  8. Forms and Resources

    form can be used for any event or activity in which 4-Hers are participating and there is perceived ... risk, or if others are participating in an event or activity presented by 4-H in which there is ... office. This insurance is strongly suggested any time that a club is running an event or activity for the ...

  9. Student Clubs

    State University. We raise funds through various events including hosting a food stand at Farm Science ... Sale. These events not only serve as fundraising events but provide members with the opportunity to meet and ...

  10. Going Green

    State University Extension) Green Cleaning: Recipes for a Healthy Home (PDF from University of Georgia ... Extension) Clean and Green Homemade Cleaners (University of Arkansas website with simple green recipes) Learn ...
