
Search results

  1. Yersinia Enterocolitica: A Rare but Important Food Safety Concern for Young Children and Immune-compromised Individuals

    Yersinia species bacteria. Cleaning and sanitizing while handling meat, poultry, or seafood will prevent ... washed with hot water and soap after contact with raw poultry, meat, and seafood. Clean sinks and ... counters with paper towels or clean cloths and hot, soapy water before and after cooking food. Keep foods ...

  2. Current Master Gardener Volunteers

    Botanical Garden Events      Cuyahoga Master Gardeners   OSU Bee Lab Workshops & Webinars Ohio Woodland ...

  3. Food Preservation: Preserving Water for Emergency Use

    person needs to drink at least 2 quarts of water per day (more in warmer climates). Additional clean ... clean, hot water and detergent. Rinse well with hot water after washing. Containers can also be washed in ... the dishwasher using the sanitize cycle.   A good way to store water is to put the containers in ...

  4. Infused Water with Ohio Local Foods

    well as wash all produce with clean running water. Use clean containers and sanitize preparation ... in sugar. It is as simple as adding some clean, rinsed and sliced produce and herbs to your glass or ...

  5. Shiitake Mushroom Production: Troubleshooting

    Practice good sanitation by removing organic debris and ensuring that conditions are not too wet. Keep ... areas clean by adding a base layer of gravel under the logs. Natural enemies of slugs include arthropods ...

  6. Build a Better Summer Recipe Virtual Workshop

    REGISTER: Special thank you to the event sponsor- The Ohio Rural Health Association. ...

  7. Using Solar Energy to Produce Electricity for Ohioans

    Development, Ohio State University Extension, Wyandot County Because it is a virtually unlimited, clean, and ... stressed the grid. Types of Technologies There are two basic types of technologies currently used to ... system is being used, the mirrors basically track the sun, channeling sunlight energy on collection tubes ...

  8. Drones for Spraying Pesticides—Opportunities and Challenges

    rotating disc assembly can be easily cleaned. Their biggest advantage is their production of relatively ... cleaning, especially when spraying mixtures that contain solid particles. Which Spray Drone Should You Buy? ... a lengthy and tedious cleaning process. Therefore, a jar test should be done first to test the mixing ...

  9. Listeria monocytogenes: A Concern for Pregnant Women and Older Adults

    sanitation, personal hygiene and safe buying, storing, cooking and serving methods, when applied in home, ... surfaces should be washed with hot water and soap after contact with raw poultry, meat and seafood. Clean ... sinks and counters with paper towels or clean cloths and hot soapy water before and after cooking food. ...

  10. Carpet Beetles

    shelves, and drawers. Periodically brush, air outside, or dry-clean furs, woolens, blankets, etc. Clean ... dry-cleaned, washed, pressed with a hot iron, sunned, or brushed prior to storage. Fur storage in cold vaults ... Insectici​des Woolen carpets, clothing, and blankets should be cleaned and immediately stored in tightly sealed ...
