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  1. Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza

    Clean up spilled feed and remove open water sources such as filling puddles and covering culverts. ...

  2. Hot Water and Chlorine Treatments to Eradicate Bacterial Plant Pathogens from Vegetable Seeds

    why it is very important to start with "clean" seed. Properly used, hot water treatment ... Seed Treatment: Water Baths Step 1: Add seeds to a clean container holding water that is pre-warmed to ... through a fine mesh sieve and transfer them to another clean container with clean water heated to 122 ...

  3. Using °Brix as an Indicator of Vegetable Quality: A Summary of the Measurement Method

    filter samples and clean refractometer without scratching datasheet Helpful hint:  Measurements can be ... accurate and consistent readings throughout the growing season. Step 6. Clean Clean the refractometer and ... non-scratching wipe to clean the refractometer. The lens contains glass and should not be damaged. Drying the ...

  4. New Video Series Launches from OSU Extension

    both one-on-one with local producers and at larger-scale events such as field days, on practices that ...

  5. Using a Waterslide to Introduce STEM to Younger Youth

    subject of physics. It is an ideal program for 4-H camping, special events, and community club ... recreation.  Why Incorporate STEM at 4-H Events?  Well-led STEM activities provide a number of benefits to ... on-site and have received instructions about the event, demonstrate the recommended technique (e.g., ...

  6. Farm Science Review Tickets

    It's almost time for the 62nd Farm Science Review. The event will be held September 17- 19, ...

  7. Exploring Crop and Livestock Integration: Barriers and Benefits- Darke County

    systems. During this event attendees will consider soil health results and other on-farm data from our ... no cost to attend, but registration is required to receive the meal provided during the event. This ...

  8. Wastewater Treatment Principles and Regulations

      Wastewater Treatment Regulations Clean water has been a concern nationwide since the early 1970s. In 1972, ... U.S. Congress adopted the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (also called the Clean Water Act) to ...

  9. Is It Pine, Spruce, or Fir?

    connected to the branch via a short "wooden peg", and c) are the needles flat (basically ...

  10. Soil Testing for Ohio Lawns, Landscapes, Fruit Crops, and Vegetable Gardens

    Ohio State University Extension. Plastic Bucket Soil samples should be collected in a clean plastic ... samples should be collected in a clean plastic bucket. Photo by Joe Boggs, Ohio State University ... basic soil testing. Some labs also offer more advanced testing such as an analysis of soilless media, ...
