
Search results

  1. Precision Agriculture Technology

    On this page... Precision Ag Technology Basics        4R Nutrient Stewardship Principles Precision ... placement of inputs Preserve conservation structures There are two basic categories of guidance products: ...

  2. PDA's Monthly Coffee break

    organise our monthly coffee break event on the west campus to connect with Postdoctoral scholars from FABE ... availability of a conference room 219 for the event on 6 Feb 2018, Tuesday at 9.00 to 10.30 am.   Thanks and ...

  3. SmartAg4.0 Challenges Students to Transform Future of Food with Apps

    about food systems. While not a computer programming event, SmartAg4.0 models itself off of signature ... Ohio State events such as HackOHI/O in its spirit and structure. Over 24 hours, multi-disciplinary ... event was conceived to encourage students to begin thinking about how to start a technology-based ...

  4. 2020 CFAES and FABE Distinguished Senior Award Recipients

    level. The comprehensive nature of these competition events challenged Matthew to connect learning from ... given hundreds of hours of service to OSU and Columbus through service events. The most significant ...

  5. Meet Owen Si: International Plant Doctor

    clean and recycle that water.”  Through this internship, and the move from China to America, Owen has ...

  6. Winston Receives Excellence in Undergraduate Research Mentoring Award

    has encouraged me to showcase my research at events such as the Denman Undergraduate Research Forum.” ...

  7. Next Month: Advanced Biobased Systems Workshop

    event with a farm tour and barbeque on Sunday, September 9 th  from 5:00 – 8:00 p.m. “The workshop is an ... commercialization process, including challenges and overcoming them,” said event organizer Dr. Ajay Shah, assistant ... $75 after that. It includes continental breakfast, lunch, and access to a networking event following ...

  8. Katie Share

    10:00am-12:00pm? We are having an event for Program Excel students from ATI to come visit campus and learn about ...

  9. Advanced Biobased Systems Workshop: Pipeline to Commercialization

    invited to a  free  pre-workshop networking event: Farm Tour and Barbeque Sunday, September 9 from 5-8 pm ...

  10. Meet Jenna Lee: Engineering a Passion for Agriculture

    While attending an FFA event Jenna found out about agricultural engineering, and knew it was the perfect ...
