
Search results

  1. Coming soon: Co-op Mastery, an online training from The Ohio Cooperative Development Center

    “Co-op Mastery: Beyond Cooperatives 101,” will go beyond basic cooperative information by providing ...

  2. 4-H News and Notes: January 15, 2016

    Dear 4-H Members, Parents, and Advisors, Several important 4-H reminder and upcoming events are ... are required to attend one of these events.  It only takes about 30 seconds to register online. ... will close two days prior to the event.   View Breakout Session Descriptions and more information ...

  3. Delayed Wheat Planting

    Frequent rain events and wet fields have delayed corn and soybean harvest this year.  In the case ...

  4. YuTube: Newly-minted Professor Yu ‘Gary’ Gao takes on new challenge – online video

    stream of visiting scholars. He holds several popular events throughout the year including the Blueberry, ...

  5. The cloud and the changing face of agriculture

    daylong event – a series of six demonstrations – on Monday Sept. 19 from 8:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. at the ... Nationwide & Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center on the Columbus campus. The event is free but registration is ...

  6. Dairy Cattle Lameness

    environment that is clean and dry helps to minimize hoof health problems.  Cows standing in manure are more ...

  7. SBDC wraps up successful 2018 fiscal year

    events with 344 attendees • SBDC Clients created 106 new jobs and retained 532 jobs • Recorded $4,944,400 ...

  8. Should You Use A Nitrogen Inhibitor?

    and out of reach of plant roots with each rainfall event.  Ideally nitrate nitrogen would quickly be ... irrigation event determines the extent of the loss. Urease inhibitors work by inhibiting the urease enzyme ... for a limited period of time, somewhere around 14 days.  If a rainfall event occurs during that period ...

  9. Rain Damage to Hay

    intensity rain results in more leaching of soluble compounds as compared to a high intensity rainfall event ...

  10. Mindfulness In The New Year

    memory of events caused a great inconvenience for a couple of weeks.  No matter how I retraced my steps, ... of their options. If they can’t change the external events in their life, they can instead change the ...
