
Search results

  1. Agricultural Tax Issues Webinar

    event is sponsored by OSU Extension and participants can attend the webinar at host locations throughout ...

  2. Contest to Engage the Public About Farming

    The winning design will be used at county fairs, field days, 5k runs, and other outreach events. The ...

  3. Early Season Pest Scouting in Corn and Soybeans

    weeks. Frequent rainfall events prevented early season weed control on crop fields.  As a result, many ...

  4. Event to Look at Farming, Water Quality, Ohio's Efforts for Both

    at new progress in serving the state’s farmers, food and water. The event, which is open to the ... safety. The event, which is called “Agriculture and Water Quality Issues: OSU Research and Agency ... The event is from 7:15 to 9:30 a.m. in Ohio State’s Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center, 2201 ...

  5. Forest Bathing

    spend more time outside than inside.  Not just structured sporting events, but time to really enjoy the ...

  6. Environmental Professional Network Breakfast- Ag & Water Quality Issues

    at new progress in serving the state’s farmers, food and water. The event, which is open to the ... safety. The event, which is called “Agriculture and Water Quality Issues: OSU Research and Agency ... The event is from 7:15 to 9:30 a.m. in Ohio State’s Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center, 2201 ...

  7. Annual Forages for Early to Mid-Summer Planting

    the potential for prussic acid poisoning that occurs primarily after frost events. Nitrate toxicity is ...

  8. Pests, Weeds and Crop Diseases Arriving Early

    and bigger and there are more. They basically had a head start coming into spring.”-30- Writer(s): ...

  9. Empathy and Flexibility Go a Long Way When Managing Farm Employees

    animals can reach the food. A robot could even clean and prep a cow for mechanized milking. However, as ...

  10. Muck Crops Field Day is July 27

    field day in Huron County. The event is sponsored by Ohio State University Extension and the Ohio ... answer questions. The event is free and includes breakfast. To register or for more information, contact ...
