
Search results

  1. Farmers Markets and Food-Borne Illness

    semiparametric specifications, and placebo tests indicate that our results are unlikely to be spurious. The event ...

  2. Mental Accounts, Selective Attention, and the Mutability of Altruism: An Experiment with Online Workers

    signal sent by being selfish (Benabou and Tirole, 2011). This event is open to the public and RSVPs are ...

  3. Economic Valuation of Product Features

    digital camera owners. This event is open to the public and RSVPs are not required. If you have any ...

  4. Why Americans Waste So Much Food

    data on measuring household waste could lead to improvements. “Basically, right now everybody thinks ...

  5. On the Economics of Specialization: An Application to Agriculture

    evaluate the linkages between non-convexity, firm size and management.  The event is open to the Ohio State ...

  6. CFAES announces new Moser Scholars Program

    leaving her own mark on the lives of students and Ohioans. On Aug. 24, at an event organized by the  Ohio ...

  7. Alumni Receive Awards at National Conference

    a hand wherever needed, whether that means helping in the classroom, volunteering at events, or coaching ... agriscience education major, visit or call 614.247.6358. Pictures from the event can be seen on ...

  8. Webinar on Sept. 30 to Examine the Economics of Water Pollution Control

    phosphorus limits. The event will feature Frank Lupi, Professor of Environmental and Natural Resource ...

  9. National Expenditures on Local Amenities

    in the West South Central region giving up the smallest fraction (6%). This event is open to the ...

  10. Co-Producer Interest

    photography and multimedia, event performance and staging, compiling information and graphics, as well as the ...
