
Search results

  1. Chow Line: Enjoy produce, but keep it safe (for 9/20/09)

    conclusive and so the CAST report authors do not recommend them. Be sure to clean and sanitize counters, ... as you wash. Clean produce properly. Thin-skinned produce can be rinsed with cool water. Firm-skinned ... University recommend washing produce just before consumption. If you clean it beforehand, drying it after ...

  2. Muck Crops Agricultural Research Station

    peroxide) for sanitizing water.  Outreach The Muck Crops Station has a very close relationship with local ...

  3. Maria Smith

    who is responsible for providing consultation, event programing, and resources on all aspects of ...

  4. Christian Vargas-Garcia (HCS Ph.D. candidate) selected for an OSC Scholarship Award!

    extracurricular events and other leadership-enriching activities." Why was it meaningful to you to win this ...

  5. North Central Agricultural Research Station

    Master Gardener education events as well as field days, short courses, and workshops for growers and ...

  6. Researchers Tackle Safety Issues with Leafy Greens

    vacuum-cooled, washed and sanitized with chlorine solution before packaging. “But research shows liquid ... sanitizers are not always effective, and sometimes make the problem worse,” said Ohio State food engineer ... sanitizer, preventing it from ever reaching portions of the leaf surface. Even when liquid sanitizer does ...

  7. Arden Shisler Center for Education and Economic Development

    planning, event management and facilitation, business training and educational services, multimedia support ... meeting or event. ...

  8. Armageddon or Not, Now's an Opportune Time to Prepare for Emergency

    Federal Emergency Management Agency encourages all households to put together a basic disaster supplies ... A basic kit should include: Water, one gallon of water per person per day for at least three days. ... to shelter-in-place. Moist towelettes, garbage bags and plastic ties for personal sanitation. Wrench ...

  9. 2022 CFAES Award Winners

    Kress & the entire event coordination team for such a special night! ...

  10. Small Grain and Cover Crop Field Day   ...
