
Search results

  1. Farm to School

    own fresh, healthy produce with Tim McDermott's  Spring Garden Planning Virtual Event. Seed ... lessons abound for all grade levels, whether you want to focus on some seasonal events or integrate ...

  2. BroadbandOhio Community Accelerator: A beacon of connectivity for Ohio’s future

    broadband basics, terminology, reasonable expectations, and resources to fund broadband,” White said. “They ...

  3. Rocking a career

    Mammoth skull at The Mammoth Site of Hot Springs, South Dakota, in 2019. Hunt cleaning and stabilizing ...

  4. 4-H Professionals Retreat

    This will be an overnight event. A 45-mile exemption has been obtained. You will be responsible ...

  5. ACEL alum to receive CFAES alumni award

    and speaker. His insights are regularly shared at national, state, and local youth events, where he ...

  6. My 4-H Cloverbud Year (Individual)

    My 4-H Cloverbud Year (Individual) This fun book is a great way for Cloverbuds to learn the basics ... of 4-H and keep track of their activities and events. Completion of this book is optional, and can be ...

  7. My 4-H Cloverbud Year (Set of 10)

    My 4-H Cloverbud Year (Set of 10) This fun book is a great way for Cloverbuds to learn the basics ... of 4-H and keep track of their activities and events. Completion of this book is optional, and can be ...

  8. OSU Extension offers food safety tips for your July Fourth picnic

    fresh-cut produce such as melon or mixed greens. Serve safely: Use a fresh, clean plate for serving cooked ... water will not be available, pack plenty of sanitizer and wipes for hands and surfaces.” Kate Shumaker ... Ohio State University Extension Extension Faculty and Staff News Tips and Events Media Advisory Food, ...

  9. Robotics Essentials

    Robotics Essentials Not all robots are the same, but they do share some basic features. Choose ...

  10. Extension Today: Farm Science Review

    why you should attend Farm Science Review as well!  Check out this additional overview of the event ...
