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  1. Prioritize Time With Family and Friends During Holiday Season

    with new ones.  It’s also understandable to make changes if there’s been major life events that have us ...

  2. Quality Assurance

    Horse Location: Event Center at 6PM Last Chance QA (July 23) Location: Fisher Auditorium at 6PM Cost: ...

  3. Swine

    2024 Swine Calendar of Events Enroll in 4-H through 4-H Online  by April 1st (note: clubs may set an earlier ... Event Center, See the Outstanding Exhibitor page for more information. July 10th- Skillathon Interviews- ... / Weigh-In- 8:00 am- 9:00 pm, Swine Barn September 9th- Swine Showmanship Show- 8:00 am- Event Center ...

  4. Legacy Dinner

    Save the date for this year's Wayne County 4-H Legacy Dinner Event Details Thursday March 21, ...

  5. Pumpkins Are Stars of the Autumn Show; Here's What You Can Do With Them

    them later. Discard the stringy flesh in the center. Once you’ve cleaned out the pumpkin, preheat your ...

  6. Focus On Gratitude With "Gather Your Gratitude" Challenge

    I’ve started asking people at their birthday celebrations to recall some memorable events of the ...

  7. Notes On Bacterial Canker and Tomato Pith- What To Look For

    humidity, and prolonged cloud cover.  To avoid this disease, start with a clean field and delay spring ... plantings until the ground has warmed up. Upcoming events in Wayne County The Scoop on CAUV Soil Value ... tomato pith plant diseases plant pathology tomato crop health events farm tour cauv ANR Agriculture and ...

  8. What Are The Forage Sample Results Telling You?

    a basic understanding of what your sample results are telling you.  This is important because it is vital ...

  9. Business Purpose Helpful Hints

    location. When Provide timeframe, event date or timeline. Attachments Supplier quote, itemized receipt, ... participant sleeping rooms.  Meeting space and catering required for conference events. Requi sition (RQ) for ... Provide benefits to the University. When Provide timeframe, event date or timeline. Attachments Itemized ...

  10. OSU Extension Can Help With Harvest Sample Testing

    process, but you should be systematic with your sample collection. You only need to have a few basic tools. ...
