
Search results

  1. Family Fundamentals: With children, watch out for 'pretty poisons' (for July 2007)

    July 16, 2007 I have heard that hand sanitizers can be poisonous for young children. Is that true? ... Most hand sanitizers work because they contain a significant amount of ethyl alcohol, so they do pose ... consumed enough alcohol from hand sanitizers to become intoxicated. All recovered completely, but any type ...

  2. Cuyahoga County Extension Survey

    Have you participated in one of our programs or events? Have you thought about it? We want your ... help deciding what trainings and events we offer in the future! Please complete this short survey by ...

  3. Backyard Poultry Production

    Learn the basics of raising backyard chickens, ducks and more! Tim McDermott, DVM and Extension ...

  4. Josephine M Jones-Lucky

    started working for OSU Extension in September 1992 teaching basic nutrition and physical activity in the ...

  5. Chow Line: Enjoy produce, but keep it safe (for 9/20/09)

    conclusive and so the CAST report authors do not recommend them. Be sure to clean and sanitize counters, ... as you wash. Clean produce properly. Thin-skinned produce can be rinsed with cool water. Firm-skinned ... University recommend washing produce just before consumption. If you clean it beforehand, drying it after ...

  6. Environmental Policy and Outlook Conference

    " Renewable Energy Markets" 2:30pm-  Scott Weaver, AEP: Presentation “AEP’s Clean Energy ...

  7. Cloverbud FUN Saturday- Luck of the Clover

    The Clover Leader Team will be hosting a special event the first Saturday of each month via Zoom ...

  8. Export policies and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine: What might it mean for Ohio soybean farmers?

    How might global events impact your business Know your cost of production. Develop budget scenarios. ...

  9. CFAES and AEDE Distinguished Seniors selected

    events, worked in the food pantry and completed an archive project. She is a member of the Ohio Farm ... and the Crops and Soils Club, where she also planned service events. She recently retired her role as ...

  10. Cloverbud FUN Saturday- February 5, 2022

    The Clover Leader Team will be hosting a special event the first Saturday of each month via Zoom ...
