
Search results

  1. Undergraduate students participate in CFAES Olympics; ACT takes third

    to the CFAES Student Council for coordinating this great event every year! ...

  2. Affiliated Faculty & Staff

    opportunity to engage in Extension outreach and research activities and events. The opportunity to appear in ...

  3. Jorge Wins 2nd Place at the GRS in the MS Proposal Category

    the  Graduate Research Symposium. The Graduate Research Symposium is an annual event hosted by the HCS  ...

  4. Crops and Soils Club Wins a CFAES Student Organization Excellence Award!

    club events, fundraising and traveling to off-campus events such as Weed Judging Competitions, and ...

  5. Cullen Wins 1st Place at the GRS in the PhD Research Category

    Graduate Research Symposium. The Graduate Research Symposium is an annual event hosted by the HCS  Graduate ...

  6. Business Law

    A discussion on the basics of farm insurance coverage, how insurance policies work, the insurance claims ... process, and items that a basic farm policy might not cover. Featuring Robert Moore and Jeff Lewis of the ...

  7. Faculty, staff, and students honored at the 2024 CFAES Research Forum

    being the awards portion of the event, Ph. D. candidate Joey Smith received two graduate school awards. ...

  8. Nicole Volk

    handling all aspects of association communications including social media management, event promotion, ...

  9. Master's Projects

    Foods at Sporting Events Kyle Beachy advised by Bob Birkenholz Essential technologies for organizational ...

  10. Dr. Clay Sneller

    five years of driving a Terra-Gator for 80+ hours a week, cleaning grain elevator basements and silos, ...
