
Search results

  1. Sours wins Provost's Award for Distinguished Teaching by a Lecturer

    II, Sustainable WaSH (Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene) for Rural Communities, Introduction to ...

  2. Safety and Wellness

    explore available campus resources for each area of wellness including coaching, events, and various ...

  3. Gardening with Physical Limitations Part 5: Garden Clean-Up and Preparing for Next Year

    including pest management, canning and preservation basics, and finish with end-of-season clean-up and ... provide tips for making garden clean up easier, safe, and identify what needs to be done to prep for next ... will address the basics of planning and planting a vegetable garden, learn about basic maintenance, ...

  4. FABE Lecturers participate in inaugural Buckeye Precollege Institutes

    complex global issues such as climate change, food security, access to clean water, growing inequality, ...

  5. Gardening with Physical Limitations Part 4: Canning and Preservation

    including pest management, canning and preservation basics, and finish with end-of-season clean-up and ... successfully grown in your garden. We will cover basic equipment and techniques and address how people with ... will address the basics of planning and planting a vegetable garden, learn about basic maintenance, ...

  6. Pesticide Storage Law

    label for basic storage information. Store pesticides away from fertilizers, animal feed,  food and ...

  7. Student Spotlight: Cassie Leigh Collins

    hands-on like that is my style," said Cassie. "I liked all the work we did to clean it out and ... Military and Veterans Club, a position which is very important to her. "We started with a basic idea ...

  8. Kinetics of Reactions and Reactor Design for Food and Biological Systems

    FABENG 5405 Basics of reaction kinetics and reactor design. Material balances in a reactor. ...

  9. OHOC Membership Meeting

    Room 100 (Wooster) Mary Wicks event Monday, June 26, 2023- 10:00am to 11:30am ...

  10. Online Webinar- New Pesticide Applicator Training- October 11, 2023

    Interpretation and Quiz Lunch: 12:15 p.m.- 1:00 p.m. 1:00  p.m.  Afternoon Session Weed and Herbicide Basics Weed ...
