
Search results

  1. Corn/Soybean Day

    University Extension-Fulton County.  The event is held on the fourth Thursday of January at Founders Hall on ... pesticide applicator training.  The event offers continuing education credits for Certified Crop Advisors ... retailers, and seed. For questions related to this event or to get on the sponsor mailing list, email ...

  2. ASABE Resume Review with Abbott Nutrition

    event will be from 6-7pm in Ag Engineering 219, right before our next ASABE meeting which is January 28 ... at 7pm in Ag Engineering 100. Just to clear up some things, these are two separate events.  If you ... submit your resume you are not required to go to the event.  If you don't submit your resume, you ...

  3. 4-H Recognition Night

    There will be pizza & line dancing following the recognition event. ...

  4. Pumpkin Field Day

    Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences at The Ohio State University, the event will be held from 6-8 p.m. at ... Pre-registration for the field day is required by Aug. 15. There is a $5 per person fee, payable at the event ...

  5. EPN Breakfast Club

    record-setting algal blooms last summer. Speaking at the event will be: Jessica Fox, senior program manager for ... Division of Surface Water. Register by Feb. 22 Registration for the event is $10, includes a full ... Sponsoring the event is Ohio State’s  Office of Energy and Environment. ...

  6. D. Mann

    12 11AM-4PM. 1-2 weeks before the event, I hope to be able to 'trim' the reservation times ...

  7. Muck Crops Field Day

    “We will also look at the latest research on carrot weevil control.” The event will also offer updates ... vegetable crops, Filbrun said. The event is being held in collaboration with the Huron County office of Ohio ...

  8. CSM Advisory Board "Meet & Greet"

    event just before the FABE Banquet. Click here to find out more! ...

  9. #OHteens4Health Health Summit by Youth, for Youth

    event and it's a partnership with the 4-H Healthy Living Design team and youth serving ...

  10. Whiz Bang! Science Show

    is cancelled in the event of severe weather. ...
