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  1. Eco-Labels, Certifications, Green Advertising: How Trustworthy Are Green Claims?

    event are the  Ohio Environmental Council  and the Center for Interdisciplinary Law and Policy Studies ...

  2. Media Advisory: Bioeconomy Forum The agenda is below. Members of the media interested in more information or in attending the event ...

  3. 4-H Monsters Event- YALC


  4. Chadwick Arboretum & Learning Gardens Spring Plant Sale

    vendors will be at the event, as will several plant-related Ohio State student groups. Plus WOSU’s “All ...

  5. Important Issues in Water Quality and Nutrient Placement Conference

    agriculture specialist for OSU Extension. The event will be held from 9 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. at the Ohio ...

  6. Vegetable Gardening Basics

    It’s Spring! We’ll break down garden duties into three parts: Planning, Planting, and Maintaining. For first time gardeners or as a refresher after a long, cold winter, leave with a month-by-month plan of major tasks in the garden and how to use your time ...

  7. Want to Add Solar Power on Your Farm? Go to This Workshop

    program to support their projects,” said Mary Wicks, a program coordinator at OARDC and one of the event ...

  8. Organic Crop Field Day

    The event is from 2 to 6 p.m. Sept. 8 starting at the  Ohio Agricultural Research and Development ...

  9. Study: Spreading gypsum on farms can help keep water clean, not green

    Gypsum, which has roots in the past as a farm soil treatment, also may have a bright future, and not just as a booster of crops but also a protector of water... ...

  10. Events

