
Search results

  1. Risk Factors for Early Lactation Diseases

    starts, there is a cascade of events that can have a profound effect on the entire lactational ... continue to be exposed to environmental pathogens, but the flushing effect of milking is gone. A dry, clean ... health, lactation performance, and longevity in the herd. Good balanced nutrition and a dry, clean ...

  2. Cold Weather Dairy Calf Care

    calves clean, fresh water in addition to milk or milk replacer. Another key to feeding calves in cold ...

  3. MXC Counselor Workshop

    Don't miss your chance to participate—the event will be offered once in 2018, during the weekend of  ... Ohio State University. Counselors will earn camp counselor training hours while attending this event ...

  4. Pay Attention to Dairy Cow Stocking Density

    higher than this, the time drops to under 30 minutes. Basically, cows know that stalls are in demand and ... a stall is available. Stall bedding must be clean and dry. The stall design and size must be matched to ...

  5. NAE4-HA Conference

    and special events that are designed to REINVENT your professional development. ...

  6. OSU Extension Direct Food and Ag Marketing Team 2017 Summary Report

    • Was invited to present Facebook Basics and Using Social Media to Market Your Business to the Ohio ... Getting MarketReady, How to Develop a Marketing Plan, Farmers’ Markets Basics, Connecting with Your ...

  7. Device Ready: Managing Your On-line Presence External Links

    (Basic & Enhanced) Bing Yellow Pages Specialized Directories (industry, local, …) MarketMaker Search ...

  8. Spring Dairy Expo

    held at the 2018 event. Friday night’s youth showmanship contest, sponsored by the American Dairy ... Saturday morning, and a show Supreme Champion will be crowed as a finale to the event. ...

  9. Calf Behavior and Bedding Materials

    requires that calves have a clean, dry surface to lay on with ventilation that removes any ammonia near the ...

  10. Does TMR Sampling Provide Useful Nutrient Composition Data?

    The same basic approach as above except the TMR is sampled over multiple days and then variation is ... feedbunk carrying a clean container such as a 5 gal bucket, take a handful of TMR approximately every 10 to ... walked the entire feedbunk, mix the contents of the bucket and then dump the contents onto a clean floor ...
