
Search results

  1. Summer Coliform Mastitis,

    producers. You can greatly reduce these losses by: 1) Starting now. If you have fans, clean them up. The crud ... sprinklers, verify each nozzle, clean the water line, and don't wait until it gets really hot to see if ...

  2. Minimizing Heat Stress in the Dairy Facility

    that provides a fine mist. If you have a system installed, be sure that it is working properly. Clean ... fans provide the most airflow for the cost of operation. Keep them clean. The spray nozzles should ...

  3. Awards Banquet for State Achievement

    The Foundation's annual event, the Achievement Awards are put on to celebrate the ...

  4. Calendar of Events

    Please join us for these virtual activities over the next few weeks. ...

  5. National 4-H Congress

    members across America.  Originally held in Chicago, the event is now held in the “Capitol of the South,” ... Atlanta, Georgia during the Thanksgiving break. National 4-H Congress is a five-day event that engages high ...

  6. 2018 Ohio 4-H Shooting Sports In-Service

    this event is $25.00 per participant.   4-H Professionals and if you choose, the County Shooting Sports ...

  7. Visit us at the Farm Science Review

    programs of the South Centers.  Aquaculture (Matthew A. Smith) Tuesday, September 19 at noon Basics of ...

  8. Protecting Teat Skin During Winter

    the teat skin. Sanitize teats with a germicidal predip containing skin conditioner. Blot teats dry ...

  9. Calendar of Events

    grandparents, or other caregivers.  Event will be held from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. at Secrest Welcome Center, at ...

  10. Cold Weather Dairy Calf Care

    calves clean, fresh water in addition to milk or milk replacer. Another key to feeding calves in cold ...
