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  1. Manure practices, not glamorous, can be a star for both food crops and water

    helping farmers get both at the same time. The event featured talks and demonstrations on manure handling, ... technologies that can help keep rivers, lakes and streams clean, said David White, executive director of the ... Ohio Livestock Coalition, an event sponsor. “Nutrient management and water quality are critical ...

  2. OARDC Impacts

    sanitation procedures, insect vector management guidelines to curb spread, and recommendations on ...

  3. Deadly pig virus is now in Ohio: Key is strict biosecurity

    producers is to clean, clean, clean,” he said. “Facilities need to be as clean as possible.” PEDv isn’t ...

  4. The Clean Water Act, Wetlands & Stream Alteration: An Introduction

    Lake City, Utah. Merritt brings fifteen years of Clean Water Act experience on the federal and state ... Loads (TMDLs). This webinar provides introductory-level information about the Clean Water Act's ... familiar with Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, which regulates dredging and filling of wetlands and ...

  5. Manage Your Money

    Money Wisely Lesson 5: Credit Histories and Repairs Please view our events page for virtual open ...

  6. Total Coliform Bacteria

    your well needs to be professionally cleaned by a registered private water system contractor. ... of Health- Private Water Systems Program- Water Quality- Total Coliform    USEPA- Water: Basic ... Information about Regulated Drinking Water Contaminants- Basic Information about Pathogens and Indicators in ...

  7. Partners for Clean Streams Partners for Clean Streams, Inc. (PCS) was formed in early 2007 as a 501(c)3 non-profit community ... area. Partners for Clean Streams is striving for abundant open space and a high quality natural ... ownership in their resources; and rivers, streams, and lakes that are clean, clear and safe. PCS also ...

  8. Northeast Ohio Winter Grape School

    program assistant, on the winged pest that can damage crops. ·         New York Clean Vine Program and ... 3:30 p.m. at Grand River Cellars, 5750 Madison Road in Madison, Ohio. The event will also offer Ohio ... Checks should be made payable to OSU Extension and mailed to OSU Extension, 39 Wall St., ...

  9. Monday Creek Restoration Project

    of a doser in Jobs Hollow. Volunteer opportunities include tree plantings and trash clean ups. Monday ... for a list of upcoming events. 05030204 05030204060 ...

  10. Penn Ohio Watershed Association

    Events: Pymatuning Waterfowl Expo/Clean Waters Festival, Pymatuning Creek Canoe Trip, Harvest Festival at ...
