
Search results

  1. Food Preservation: Basics for Canning Fruit

    the jar walls. If needed, add more liquid. Wipe the jar rim with a clean, dampened towel to remove any ... wipe the jars with a clean, damp cloth to remove any residue or stickiness. Add labels with the date, ... University Extension. Food Home, Yard and Garden food preservation canning fruit basics for canning fruit ...

  2. How to Join 4-H

    its own schedule of events and meetings that they participate in during the year. Clubs will also have ...

  3. 4-H Forms

    for a child/charge to be transported in a motor vehicle driven by an individual identified to an event ...

  4. ASGSA Chili Cookoff

    a one-day event where we will have chili's cooked/submitted by anyone that signs up (undergraduate, ...

  5. X-Disease of Peach, Nectarine, and Cherry

    chokecherries near fruit orchards, and leafhopper control. Clean Plants Trees certified to be pathogen-free ... (clean plants) should be purchased from certified nurseries. A clean plant is the product of a process ...

  6. Events


  7. Find Your Spark- Join 4-H

    state, and national events. NOTE: When counting "4-H years"- all enrolled years count toward ...

  8. Pesticide Use in Schools

    and pets dusts in unoccupied areas of the building disinfectants, sanitizers, germicides, and ... sanitizers, germicides, and antimicrobial agents are exempt from notification and recordkeeping requirements. ...

  9. Wayne County Fair Livestock Auctions, Add-Ons Bring In About $1.78M

    fairgrounds now. Families have unpacked and cleaned their tack boxes, cleaned out their campers, vehicles and ...

  10. ASGSA Beat Michigan Raffle

    ASGSA is holding a "Beat Michigan Game Day Raffle" leading up to the BIG game in November! The prize includes OSU gear, including a hat or scarf, koozies, a blanket, snacks, and more! Tickets are 1/$5 and 5/$20. There are 2 chances to win, so bu ...
