
Search results

  1. Adventures at the Tri-Societies Meeting

    events to technical sessions to the annual quiz bowl. It's not every day that you get the chance ...

  2. Picnic Safety: Ohio Foodborne Illness Outbreak Prompts Advice

    thoroughly and often," LeJeune said. "Hand sanitizers and sanitizing wipes can help, but nothing ... replaces washing hands with soap under running water to keep hands clean, especially when you're ... handling food. "And be sure the water you use to wash your hands is clean. If you're not sure ...

  3. HCS Alumni Spotlight – Mike Hannewald

    – where he spends time advocating and lobbying to promote agriculture as well as planning events and ... least one similar interest”. We wish him the best of luck as he prepares for this next event! What got ...

  4. HCS Alumni Spotlight: Emma Bilbrey

    event floral designers. As a farmer-florist operation, she is also able to offer full floral design ... someone's home or event. Why did you decided to start your own business? I decided to start my own business ...

  5. Family Fundamentals: With children, watch out for 'pretty poisons' (for July 2007)

    July 16, 2007 I have heard that hand sanitizers can be poisonous for young children. Is that true? ... Most hand sanitizers work because they contain a significant amount of ethyl alcohol, so they do pose ... consumed enough alcohol from hand sanitizers to become intoxicated. All recovered completely, but any type ...

  6. Ohio State CFAES names top 26 seniors

    channel. Learn more about the event & all 26 seniors that have received the most prestigious ...

  7. Ashtabula Agricultural Research Station

    hosts various outreach events-including the biennial Ohio Grape and Wine Field Day, the Winter Pruning ... Project Registration Form  (crops) Labor Funding Agreement Form Social Media Events and Web Resources ...

  8. Laura Williams

    AAS Business- The Ohio State University (2012) Basically I make sure we are in compliance with policy ...

  9. HCS Students & Faculty Attend Tri-Society Meeting

    America (SSSA) was the perfect event for OSU HCS students & faculty to return to in-person meetings ... students participated in SASES events such as field trips, business meetings, Quiz Bowl, Crop Judging ... fund-raising events such as tomato and pepper sales at the spring Plant Sale, and sandwich sales at Farm ...

  10. Chow Line: Enjoy produce, but keep it safe (for 9/20/09)

    conclusive and so the CAST report authors do not recommend them. Be sure to clean and sanitize counters, ... as you wash. Clean produce properly. Thin-skinned produce can be rinsed with cool water. Firm-skinned ... University recommend washing produce just before consumption. If you clean it beforehand, drying it after ...
