
Search results

  1. How to Join 4-H

    its own schedule of events and meetings that they participate in during the year. Clubs will also have ...

  2. Ohio 4-H Hippology/Judging/Horse Bowl Clinic

    register and pay, including coaches or parents as room space is limited. Cost of the event is $5.  ...

  3. Lesson In Life Skills: How To Teach or Model Gratitude For Children

    events, or a highlight of a weekly dinner ritual. Books are a great way to reinforce the concept of giving ...

  4. Ohio 4-H Shooting Sports

    event held in Grand Island Nebraska each year during the last week in June. 4-H youth from across the ... programs and events, such as Instructor Workshops and 4-H Shooting Sports camp contact  Sara Smith  Ohio ...

  5. Ren Hopkins

    various state 4-H awards and events Supports the Ohio 4-H Foundation Board Organizes stewardship efforts ...

  6. Families

    information on projects, officer resources, and events and opportunities. Cloverbuds Learn more about the Ohio ...

  7. Dog Resources

    American Kennel Club is excited to continue to offer 4-H members an opportunity to try AKC events. They ... number and a participation number for their dog, they can begin participating in AKC events, earning AKC ... events that may be held independently of an AKC club, where AKC titles may be earned by 4-H members. ...

  8. News and Notes Email Updates

    important announcements, reminders, and updates regarding 4-H and Junior Fair deadlines, programs, events ...

  9. State 4-H Horse Communications Contest

    provide refunds. CONTEST SCHEDULE Registration for this event, including payment of entry fee ($10 for ... requirements.  Event Details: For youth currently enrolled in a 4-H or FFA horse project & have completed the ...

  10. Research

    public with basic knowledge of insects and how to identify them can potentially improve awareness and ... Museum of Biological Diversity Insectary (Columbus) host open house events to the general public and ... adults to handle live insects, observe them under microscopes, and learn about their basic biology. ...
