
Search results

  1. May 15, 2024- New Applicator Training- In Person

    Interpretation and Quiz Lunch: 12:15 p.m.- 1:00 p.m. 1:00  p.m.  Afternoon Session Weed and Herbicide Basics Weed ...

  2. Business Law

    A discussion on the basics of farm insurance coverage, how insurance policies work, the insurance claims ... process, and items that a basic farm policy might not cover. Featuring Robert Moore and Jeff Lewis of the ...

  3. Food Preservation Resources

    Sprouts/Cauliflower and Potatoes.  Ohioline OSU Food Canning Basics Information:  ...

  4. We'd like to hear from you!

    invitations and the interviews are history. However, we would like to hear from you and how helpful our event ...

  5. ASCA Applications

    and implement retention and community-building events like the CFAES Back2School Bash (B2SB) and the ...

  6. Our North Coast: An insight into Intergovernmental stewardship to improve Lake Erie from Ontario to Ohio

    Program Overview Join this EPN event and dive into concerns and the planning and numerous efforts ... water quality effort to ensure safe, clean water for all Ohioans. ODNR’s role within H2Ohio is to ... Information This event’s menu features sausage patties, scrambled eggs, potato hash, and fresh fruit ...

  7. April 20th: Pork Prospect Leadership Event

    Embark on a journey of discovery with  PorkProspect:  Nurturing Talent for a Sustainable Swine Industry.  Our program is tailored for both high school students and undergraduates, offering an exciting opportunity to explore the dynamic field of swine prod ...

  8. Targeting Excellence Scholarship

     Additional consideration will be given to students who previously attended any Targeting Excellence event ... Clay Scholarship Classic events.   Targeting Excellence was founded in 2013 with the vision, “To unite ...

  9. End of the Year Cookout

    The Department of Animal Sciences is having an end of the year cookout for students, staff and faculty on April 16 th! Find more information here. ...

  10. Judging Day 1- July 9, 2024

    Wilkins*- His Kids 2- Cayden Freed- Blue-Ribbon Stock 3- Emerson Wagner- Millstream Farmers Basic Archery, ...
